


34  A cup of coffee, please.    (コーヒーをください)

35  Can I have some water?    (水をください)

36  Let me get a slice to go.    (ピザを持ち帰りでください)

37  Do you have coke?    (コーラはありますか?)

38  Can you take our picture?    (写真を撮っていただけますか?)

39  Could you tell me the way to the post office?    (郵便局までの行き方を教えてください)

40  How do I get to Tokyo station?    (東京駅までの行き方を教えてください)

41  I want you to pick me up at the airport.    (空港まで迎えに来てください)

42  Do you mind if I open the door?    (ドアを開けてよいですか?)

43  What do you think about it?    (どう思う?)

44  Please send me some money as soon as possible.    (できるだけ早く送金してください)

45  What kind of movies do you like?    (どんな映画が好きですか?)

46  Do you want to listen to music?    (音楽でも聴くかい?)

47  I am going to visit the United States.    (アメリカに行くつもりです)

48  That is not what I meant.    (そんなつもりでは)

49  I don't feel like it.    (気乗りしないなあ)

50  I am supposed to go see a doctor.    (病院に行くことになっているんだ)

51  What is the next stop?    (次はどこに停まりますか?)

52  How long does it take?    (どのくらいかかりますか?)

53  It is yours, isn't it?    (君のだよね?)

54  I have to do my best.    (がんばらなくっちゃ)

55  Have you been to Seattle?    (シアトルに行ったことはある?)

56  I was able to swim.    (かつては泳げた)

57  We had a lot of snow.    (たくさん雪が降った)

58  I should have bought a brand new computer.    (新品のコンピュータを買っておけばよかった)

59  You speak not only Japanese but also English.    (君は日本語だけでなく英語も話す)

初級コースへ 法則編へ